I joined with SAVIS and organizations such as Oomama, The Women’s Centre and other grassroots organizations at Oakville’s film.ca cinema for the annual, global “Take Back The Night” rally. A big thank you to the cinema for hosting it.

Along with booths (including mine for Rag Dolls and Rage books), handouts and participants from the neighourhood, there were speeches, poetry and musical performances.

A survivor who was saved from trafficking by SAVIS told her poignant, ultimately uplifting story. A songwriter, musician, poet, author (me), local politicians and staff from SAVIS including the Executive Director and staff members, took turns to speak to victims’ needs that have been addressed, and to legislation still needed from the federal and provincial governments in order to protect boys and girls, women and men from abusive situations: important legislation that should be expedited.

When you order my book from this site, you are helping SAVIS of Halton. Each year I will donate a cheque to the SAVIS fundraiser that I’m working with.

Below, I’m about to read from my memoir.