Shane Koyczan is one of three co-founders of Vancouver’s spoken word, “talk rock” trio, Tons of Fun University (T.O.F.U.).
Shane’s books include Visiting Hours, Stickboy (a novel in verse), Our Deathbeds will be Thirsty, A Bruise on Light and To This Day: For the Bullied and Beautiful.
To This Day was originally a YouTube spoken-word poem with animation and it is still watched by many, several years after being made (which was 2013, the year it also went viral). The poem focuses on the subject of bullying – Koyczan knows all about its lasting effects. Let’s ensure this video keeps being watched! Here’s the link:
Mr. Koyczan encourages us to share it. It’s memorable, so please send it to anyone you think may need to watch this. There are a lot of hurting kids and adults out there… Many viewers sent Koyczan letters thanking him for publishing the poem and you can find them online.